Short version:
It was a great experience to be with people who care about the environment and conscious consumption.

Longer version:

Our first speaker was Réka Nagy, the Eco Mom , a climate communication expert, who showed us how to create that “one and a half degree” wardrobe. Réka highlighted how our small, everyday choices can contribute to achieving global climate goals, and the steps we can take to reduce our ecological footprint when shopping for clothes.

Dóra Deák, store manager and colour and style consultant of Swappis Buda’, continued with a presentation on “Power in Clothes”. Dóra shared how we can find real power and self-expression in sustainable clothing and how we can become conscious shoppers without compromising our style.

Following the presentations, our guests Emese Dobos, Tünde Fritzson-Bajdor, Eszter Gózon and Fanni Halmi shared their thoughts and experiences on the future of sustainable fashion in a roundtable discussion. We were given lots of useful and inspiring advice on how to take the idea of sustainability further in our everyday lives, whether it’s shopping, style or even our dressing habits.

This event was a great opportunity to communicate together about the links between sustainability and fashion and to gain useful practical advice. Thank you to everyone who participated and a special thanks to the speakers and interlocutors who brought us these valuable ideas.

I look forward to seeing you again at the next event, where more inspiring topics will be covered!

The above event was a side event of the Budapest Central European Fashion Week.

Photo by Kitti Magyar